Kuanysh Tazhiyev
Former Research Assistant
Kuanysh graduated from Nazarbayev University in 2018 with the Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering degree. During studies, he used to work as a research assistant developing a multiphysics finite element analysis in the NanoSAT project. He was an international visiting student in University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Schlumberger and University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2015, 2016 and 2017, respectively. As a capstone project, he designed and assembled a prototype vehicle for Shell Eco-Marathon Asia 2018 competition (Singapore), and took 13th place. Previously, he used to work as a mechanical static engineer in North Caspian Operating Company. As a highlight of his career, he achieved an oil production increase by 7.5% by mitigating vibrations on one of the equipment. Currently, he is pursuing a career in the software engineering sphere, and studying machine learning techniques. He is a former research assistant at ISSAI.