
An Augmented Reality-Based Warning System for Enhanced Safety in Industrial Settings


Operator inattention can lead to accidents in industry, resulting in injury, death, and financial loss. To prevent this, we present a warning system that leverages artificial intelligence and augmented reality. In order to compare our warning system with the business-as-usual (safety mat) and no warning conditions, we conducted experiments with nine participants using quantitative measurements. Additionally, augmented reality warning types (auditory, visual, and audiovisual) were compared in an experiment with 30 participants. Several hypotheses were tested using subjective questionnaires: participants accept the warning system as beneficial overall (H1), participants prefer auditory warnings to visual warnings (H2), and the audiovisual system would be the most preferred warning system (H3). Participants’ acceptance of the system was high, and they preferred audiovisual warnings to the other types of warnings. Participants ranked the visual warning as preferable to the auditory warning. The results can be utilized to design warning systems to reduce industrial accidents.

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Tolegen Akhmetov; Huseyin Atakan Varol