

2nd September 2024

ISSAI regional outreach: guest seminars in Oral and Aqtau cities

On August 27-29, 2024, Yerbol Absalyamov, Executive Director of the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI), conducted a series of seminars in the West Kazakhstan and Mangystau regions as part of ISSAI’s regional outreach initiative. He visited West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan in Oral and Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov in Aktau.

During the visit, Yerbol Absalyamov led sessions for a diverse group of researchers and faculty members from various departments, including computer science, mathematics, and philology. The purpose of these sessions was to introduce the ISSAI mission and research projects. Yerbol presented opportunities for collaboration, including researcher exchanges and joint projects. He highlighted the ISSAI Summer Research Program and encouraged students to participate in this program next year.

The audience expressed strong interest in accessing DGX systems and demonstrated enthusiasm for hands-on involvement with ISSAI’s projects. Researchers and faculty members from Western regions shared positive feedback about ISSAI’s open-source NLP models, datasets, and recipes, highlighting the significant impact of ISSAI’s contributions to their work.

This visit represented a crucial step in ISSAI’s efforts to connect with regional universities, fostering a bridge between advanced research and academic communities across Kazakhstan. This engagement seeks to elevate Kazakhstan’s AI research and development, catalyzing a vibrant ecosystem of innovation and expertise in artificial intelligence. 

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