
Exploring stakeholders’ opinions on circular economy in the construction sector: A natural language processing analysis of social media discourse

The construction industry has been criticized for its negative environmental impacts,leading industry experts to advocate for a shift toward a circular economy (CE) model.However, there is a lack of research on stakeholder opinions regarding that. Thisresearch paper examines stakeholders’ perspectives on implementing CE principlesin the construction industry by conducting artificial intelligence-powered natural lan-guage processing (NLP) through online sources. It answers three questions: Whatthemes and concepts are associated with the CE in construction? How do opinions onthe CE vary across different online platforms? And what factors shape positive atti-tudes toward the CE? The data obtained from various platforms showed that 57% ofsentiments were positive, 28% were neutral, and 15% were negative. This researchprovides critical knowledge on the analysis of CE representation on social media in con-struction. Moreover, a webpage tool has been created that can assess any input opinionon the scale (positive, neutral, or negative) for further use ( This NLP-based research of social media discourse in the constructionsector can directly influence policy decisions by offering real-time insights into publicsentiment and preferences, shaping regulations that align with societal needs. It alsoprovides industry professionals with data-driven guidance, enabling them to identifygrowth opportunities and innovation pathways within the CE, ultimately fostering amore sustainable and prosperous future.

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Aidana Tleuken, Daniil Orel, Anel Iskakova, Huseyin Atakan Varol, Ferhat Karaca