
Research Assistant


1. Vacancy for Manager position:

We are looking for person who will help us to manage internal administrative and operational work. Offline work.

General Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To manage letters, organization of meetings/calls with governmental bodies
  • To prepare materials and presentations for third Parties
  • To prepare requests for payments
  • To provide support to our team


  • Knowledge of MS office
  • Trilingual: Kazakh, Russian and English
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Critical thinking skills
  • MS degree


  • Payment according to the Nazarbayev University regulations

Please send your CV to yerbol.absalyamov@nu.edu.kz

2. Vacancy for Data Scientist position: We are looking for skilled professional, with at least 3 years experience, focus will be on NLP projects. Offline working mode.

Main duties: data collection, cleaning and pre-processing, implement deep-learning based models, model evaluation and assessment, implement algorithms given in pseudo-code using machine/deep learning frameworks including Tensorflow and Pytorch, perform necessary debugging, unit test, numerical accuracy and performance verification of model, build tools and systems to automate the training and analysis of deep learning models, tuning existing machine learning and deep learning models when needed, etc.

Detailed information here

3. Vacancy for Data moderator position:

For the machine translation project, the Institute requires philologists/linguists/translators with knowledge of Kazakh, Russian and English. Online work mode is possible.

The essence of the work is to translate from Kazakh into Russian and English to create a database to improve the machine translation model.

If interested, please send your resume to rustem.yeshpanov@nu.edu.kz.

4. In ISSAI from time to time we have open positions – Research Assistant. Thus, you can send us (issai@nu.edu.kz) your CV and transcript.

General Duties and Responsibilities:

  • To conduct literature reviews
  • To collect the data, clean and preprocess them
  • To (pre-) train models and evaluate them
  • To provide support for dissemination of scientific outputs (e.g. conferences, manuscripts)


  • Knowledge of the basics of machine learning, deep learning.
  • Knowledge of Python, the work experience with the main DS libraries (PyTorch, Hugging Face, Pandas, etc).
  • Knowledge of the basics of Linux, Git.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills.
  • Critical thinking skills to support the research project.


  • Payment according to the Nazarbayev University regulations