

18th January 2024

The President of the National Academy of Sciences visited ISSAI

The President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mrs. Zakarya Kunsulu visited ISSAI on 18th of January. 

In the course of the visit, postdoctoral scholar Dr. Azamat Yeshmukhametov introduced research on tensegrity robots. These innovative robots leverage the mechanics of tensegrity, making them highly adaptable for various applications such as exploration, monitoring etc.

During the meeting postdoctoral researcher Zhanat Makhataeva shared her work on a project involving Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on external object representation and the advancement of AR-assisted technology to aid people with memory impairments, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

The technical coordinator of the ISSAI projects, Yerbol Absalyamov presented to the guests Institute’s research activity, highlighting advancements in AI for the Kazakh language, computer vision, facial recognition, and AR developments.

At the end of the meeting, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Mrs. Zakarya Kunsulu was impressed with the level of the Institute’s research projects, and supported ISSAI’s initiative for regional experience exchange with universities from all regions of the country.

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