

18th June 2024

ISSAI is exploring opportunities for collaboration with Korean institutions and companies

On 18 June 2024, Mr. Jinsung Shon Hong, Chief Operating Officer of the DefenseGlobal company from South Korea visited Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI).  

DefenseGlobal specializes in the application of artificial intelligence in the production of drones and the development of hardware for the automotive, construction, and defense sectors, along with the creation of holographic models.

ISSAI members, including deputy director of operations Yerbol Absalyamov, data scientists Aknur Karabay, Rakhat Meiramov, Zhanat Makhataeva presented the Institute’s developments  and ongoing projects. 

During the meeting, ISSAI team members proposed opportunities for collaboration, notably in the development of photorealistic Meta avatars. The potenital cooperation includes computational and financial support for future projects, as well as the exchange of researchers, which is expected to foster a sharing of expertise and knowledge.

The COO of the DefenseGlobal company showed high interest in expanding their collaboration not only with ISSAI and Nazarbayev University, but also with other local institutions and companies, for future partnerships. Mr. Jinsung Shon Hong expressed a keen interest in facilitating the education of Kazakhstani students in South Korea, with the intention of employing them within local collaborative projects upon their return. The overarching goal of these efforts is to enhance the export capabilities of Kazakhstani-manufactured products.

DefenseGlobal is primarily interested in fostering partnerships with Kazakhstani entities, including universities and other organizations, to spearhead joint initiatives. At the end of the meeting both sides decided to consider the possibility of cooperation and strengthening partnerships between companies.

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