

27th August 2024

Representatives of PDP University and PDP School from Uzbekistan visited ISSAI 

On August 27, 2024, representatives of PDP University and PDP School visited the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI). PDP is a group of companies that includes a full IT university and a school located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

During this visit, the esteemed guests, including Jiemurat Mambetkarimov, CEO of PDP EcoSystem and Rector of PDP University, Timurbek Nuriddinov, CEO of PDP School, and Obidjon Akhmedov, Head of International Partnerships and Industry Engagement, were informed about ISSAI’s recent projects and developments.   

ISSAI’s postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Azamat Yeshmukhametov, presented his work on tensegrity robots during this visit. These cutting-edge robots utilize tensegrity principles to achieve high adaptability, making them suitable for various uses including exploration and monitoring. 

Senior Data scientist Dr.Zhanat Makhataeva showed a presentation titled “Avatars, AI, and Mixed Reality in Education”. She explained the concept of human-machine symbiosis, describing the history of augmented and virtual reality technologies. Zhanat talked about a human avatar named Umay, which was developed at ISSAI. This project can potentially be used by teachers to implement more personalized education in schools. 

At the end of the visit, ISSAI Data scientist Aknur Karabay delivered an overview presentation highlighting the Institute’s projects and developments. She showcased research advancements in AI for the Kazakh language, computer vision, facial recognition, and AR. 

Representatives of PDP University and the School were interested in ISSAI’s projects. They expressed their interest in a future partnership and invited ISSAI members to their University for guest lectures and meetings with students.

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