

30th August 2024

ISSAI welcomed collaborators from Til-Qazyna organization

On August 30, 2024, five specialists from the Til-Qazyna organization, joined the Data Preparation team of the Kaz-LLM project at the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI). 

Til-Qazyna under the leadership of the General Director, Makpal Zhumabai is one of ISSAI’s key partner organizations that supports the Kaz-LLM project. This collaboration has received special attention and support from the Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mrs. Dinara Shcheglova.  

Specialists from Til-Qazyna play an important role in the data preparation process for the Kaz-LLM training, diligently working to filter, structure, and correct data provided by various organizations across Kazakhstan.

ISSAI deeply appreciates the expertise, dedication, and collaborative spirit demonstrated by Til-Qazyna in this vital endeavor, which is set to significantly advance the development of AI in Kazakhstan.

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