

5th September 2024

Ambassador of The Gambia to the UN Office at Geneva visited ISSAI

On September 5, 2024, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of The Gambia to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Prof. Muhammadou M.O. Kah visited the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence (ISSAI). 

ISSAI General Director Prof. Atakan Varol welcomed Prof. Kah and introduced ISSAI Executive Director Yerbol Absalyamov, and Deputy Director of Product and External Affairs, Senior Data Scientist Madina Abdrakhmanova. 

During the visit, Madina Abdrakhmanova presented the Institute’s key projects and developments. She demonstrated ISSAI projects for the Kazakh language, computer vision, facial recognition and a collaborative project on nutrition AI with Nazarbayev University School of Medicine. 

Madina also highlighted ISSAI’s impact on the development of AI for Kazakh. She shared that the ISSAI team works on a foundational Kazakh Large Language Model (Kaz-LLM), which plays a significant role in AI development in Kazakhstan. 

Prof. Kah highly appreciated the level of ISSAI research projects. As a United Nations Office representative, Prof. Kah expressed his readiness for support and assistance to the Institute. ISSAI representatives thanked Prof.Kah for the visit, and both sides agreed to continue further communication. 

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