

10 August 2020

ISSAI joined the Datacite membership

We are proud to say that the Institute of Smart Systems and Artificial Intelligence has joined the Datacite membership.

DataCite is a non-profit international organisation which provides a way for researchers to obtain credit and recognition for sharing their research data. It provides persistent identifiers (DOIs) for research data and other research outputs. Organizations within the research community join DataCite as members to be able to assign DOIs to all their research outputs. This way, their outputs become discoverable and associated metadata is made available to the community. 

The guiding values of DataCite fully align with ISSAI principles. As a young organization, ISSAI believes DataCite membership could help build the ogranisational profile and broaden the network of research collaboration.

As a DataCite member, ISSAI plans to issue DOIs for its projects, and publicly share the data such that it is properly tracked and cited increasing the positive impact of our research for the humankind.

Currently, DataCite’s global community, from more than 42 countries, includes data centers, libraries, government agencies, research universities and more.