

22nd December 2023

The lead data scientist from ISSAI participated in the assessment of startups in the Seed Money program at Astana Hub

Askat Kuzdeuov was invited as a member of the expert commission responsible for evaluating and selecting startups for the Seed Money financing program, which is supported by Astana Hub. This program specifically focuses on startups in artificial intelligence, blockchain, defense and space technologies, game development, smart cities, and hardware. Ten startup teams proposed their ideas, emphasizing the use of AI to solve socio-economic problems. Projects were assessed based on criteria such as team competence, manufacturability, market potential, and current progress. The winning startups in the program will receive funding of up to 10 million tenge for their product development.

ISSAI is always open to contribute to the digital development of Kazakhstan by participating in various seminars, forums, and sessions as an expert organization in AI.

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